Thursday, July 7, 2011

Getting rolled ...

Via TPM, the last two paragraphs of a David Frum column:


Through it all, Obama has played nice, again and again entreating his Republican opponents to emulate his example and play nice too. It's not what Lyndon Johnson would have done. It's not what Franklin Roosevelt would have done. I doubt it's what Hillary Clinton would have done.

Which brings me back to my starting question: Why don't the Democrats rebel? Presumably, they elected Obama to stand up for their shared principles. But he's not standing up. He's rolling over. Or being rolled.

Obama may be a smart guy but unless he's an undercover Republican (I'm not quite ready to believe that yet), he's a babe-in-the-woods in Washington and in over his head. Big dummy's gonna fuck this all up.


  1. Believe me, any more Neville Chamberlain bullshit from Obama, and he ain't gettin' my vote for 2012 (And I hear he's already surrendered the idea of any tax rate increases in those geat Debt Limit negotiations..)

    Odd how it takes a conservative like David Frum to point out this truth to Democrats....

  2. He's trying to point it out to both of the sane Repugs who are left.

  3. ... the sane Repugs ...

    There's two of them?

  4. Maybe one with two sides to his mouth?
