Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Go ahead Repugs...

...piss off the old folks.

Note to the Prez: make goddam sure they know it was the intransigence and ideological stoopidity of the Repugs that caused them to go on half-rations of store brand cat food. Then make sure all the polling places have wheelchair access for disabled/Vets come next election day.

CBS News via RawReplay.

I can make it through without a benefit payment or two or three. A lot of folks can't. I hope this does not come to pass.


  1. See this one?

    I hate these fucks...


  2. I have to say that my party is not handling this situation to any advantage. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many people think OBAMA wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. If the RePukes had such a PR freebie in their hands, you can be sure they would have people chatting it up, diagramming it, and holding town hall meetings about it but not us - the Dems are too "classy." BNS (Big neurotic sigh)

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Note to the Prez: make goddam sure they know it was the intransigence and ideological stoopidity of the Repugs ...

    Half of Barry's problem is that he's fucked this up royally.
