Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good ...

Seems this is still America:

A Manhattan judge has thrown out a lawsuit from a retired firefighter who sued to block construction on the proposed Park51 Islamic Center near Ground Zero, but the conservative group that represented him says it will appeal the decision.

The New York Times reported that Justice Paul G. Feinman of the State Supreme Court in Manhattan ruled on Friday that retired firefighter Timothy Brown is "an individual with a strong interest in preservation of the building," but lacks legal standing to challenge construction of the Islamic Center.


The conservatives can play their bullshit down in the "Jesus Belt" but in these parts, "freedom of religion" doesn't mean freedom for Christians to persecute those who don't believe their way.


  1. ... freedom for Christians to persecute those who don't believe their way

    That's exactly what the fundagelical whackjobs think.

  2. Indeed. I'm no fan of religion, but I'm less of a fan of denying people the right to worship what gives them peace.
