Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hey, Froggy ...

If I were you, I'd be on my way back to Jersey. Montag (in toto):

It may be known as the land of 10,000 lakes but there will be 39 fewer brands of beer on sale in the state soon. This is the result of Miller-Coors failure to renew their licenses to sell beer in the state prior to the Republican caused shutdown of the government. Some may dismiss those brands as small beer and peewater but it is still an unnecessary cruelty to deny a man his brand just to protect millionaires and corporations from a much deserved tax hike.

Not being able to buy beer? That's where I draw the line. Heh ...


  1. Eh. Still plenty of beers on sale. Maybe some of the horse piss drinkers will pick up a real beer on their next beer run instead of that horse piss, and get a taste for it. Way I see it this is a net gain for Wisconsin ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  2. Beer stores in adjoining states will do well. Bootleggers too.

  3. Definitely a good time to fill up the trunk with beer and ciggies if you are visiting a friend in Minnesota. It will be appreciated.

  4. This just affects the Miller-Coors line--an inferior line in any case. And it's just beer. Mrs DBK and I have a deep supply of alcoholic beverages and can outlast a six month government shutdown. Also, Wisconsin is right across the border, and their booze is cheaper. The medical emergency is less serious than reported. Our Jameson and Grey Goose will hold up, and the wine rack is deep in quality reds. We also have a wide variety of additional medications for exotic ailments requiring a blender.
