Friday, July 8, 2011

If there were no porn ...

What would the Rethugs do?

... By signing the pledge Bachmann "vows" to "uphold the institution of marriage as only between one man and one woman" by committing herself to 14 specifics steps. The ninth step calls for the banning of "all forms" of pornography ...

If a porn ban actually came to pass, a lot of sheep would be running scared. Heh ...

Link via Pam's Facebook page.


  1. Gee, if there was no porn the Repugs would have to think up their own fantasy to jack off at. Thinking is beyond them so they'd be more frustrated than they are now and we'd really be in trouble! I say "more porn for Repugs!" so maybe we'd never hear from them again. Fat chance.

  2. Dudes. C'mon. We already know what fantasy Repugs jerk off to. It's dead bodies. They just lurrrrves them some dead bodies. Dead darkies in Iraq? Pudpudpud... Dead old people after Social Security and Medicare are gutted? OoooOooooOoooo. Dead children after food stamps and medical care for the poor are cut off? Whackawhackawhackawhacka. Dead bodies, like, make their li'l soldiers salute like a 4-star general, yo!

    - Badtux the "Yeah, they're necrophiliacs" Penguin

  3. necrophiliacs

    Got their blue wings, huh?

  4. That was an interesting piece of information on handwriting analysis. Please post more about graphology. Thank you!

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