Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If ya listen to Larry ...

You'd think Obama is a political genius:

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The only person I ever saw pull off a successful "rope-a-dope" is the man who created it, Muhammad Ali.

Still looks to me like Barry has given away the store and the Rethugs are whining that they want more without "raising taxes on the job creators". Far be it, thanks to the latest job report, that they actually, you know, created a job.

If Obama pulls this off without screwing grandma and grandpa, or the rest of us who might need Medicare in the future, I'll eat my words, but in my book, he took the wrong tack from the beginning; actually giving the Rethug crazy more credibility than they deserve.


  1. I think Larry's right about my Stealth Ninja Jedi Prez. I hope so anyway.

  2. Pfffft! Give him another day or two and he will cave and give up more than the Repukes even thought to ask for. I'm just surprised he has held out for more than his usual 3 days before surrendering.

    I'm so over him - not that it matters as we are stuck with him for the next election.

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Actually, it looks like the Repugs have caved as of this evening.

  4. ... it looks like the Repugs have caved ...

    Seems so, but then we've been through too many Rethug "implosions" to think they've been neutered on this. I have this bad feeling they'll pull something out of their hat before 2 Aug.
