Monday, July 18, 2011

If you watched ...

The US womens team lose to Japan, you saw a team beat themselves.

Gotta head out east first thing this morning, to the Suffolk County Criminal Court, to try and give them a good sob story so they'll defer my Grand Jury summons until September. With the Mrs. leaving for Gordon's neck o' the woods tomorrow for a couple weeks on her semi-annual Wes' Coas' swing, I have to be available for dad-in-law if he needs it. Let's hope they're accommodating.


Yay! The nice court lady said she'll have me back on 12 Sept after I told her I wouldn't mind serving today (and for the next month) if I could bring an Alzheimer's patient and 2 Cattle Dogs with me. She said she would have liked to meet Dad-in-law Fixer (of course I went into the whole story about how he was a flight engineer on B-17s during the big one), but she knows all about Cattle Dogs and agreed they'd be better left at home. Heh ...


  1. I got a jury summons for last week but I didn't have to go. Around here, you call a number the night before and a machine tells you if you need to show up or not.

  2. If yer on a grand jury here, it's yer job for a month. $40 a day!

  3. Is it automatic or do you have to be selected from a larger group once you get there? Around here, they ask you questions and then keep you or thank you and send you home. Ya get 12 bucks a day here.

  4. I keep hoping Mrs. F will come close enough we can go meet her. She could take home tales of mixin' it up with the hillbilly hoi-polloi!

  5. She'll be in San Jose. I think that's the closest she'll be to yer neck of the woods.

  6. Is it automatic or do you have to be selected from a larger group once you get there?

    They do that for a regular trial jury. I was on a jury once about 25 years ago but every other time I went there the first day and then called in for a week. Never got picked after the first time.

    A grand jury is seated for a month at a time, every day. All they do is listen to evidence and hand down indictments. Never been on one of them so I'm eager to see how it works.

  7. San Jose

    Maybe someday she'll get to Reno.

  8. Talk the Japs into building a car plant or a TV factory in Reno and you can bet the Mrs. will get there sooner or later.
