Friday, July 29, 2011

Is beautiful place ...

Some of world's greatest writers make visit. Not even call it "gulag" anymore:


Former staff at the News of the World are understood to be underwhelmed by efforts by News International to find them work after they were handed a list of potential jobs which included posts in Siberia, Russia and Dubai.

Some former News of the World journalists said that former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks' promise that as many staff as possible would be redeployed is proving an empty gesture as the vast majority of the alternative jobs being discussed are either non-editorial or entail a move abroad.


Siberia is vacation spot. Also has latest in Soviet-style dissident housing ski resorts. Do not believe Capitalist propaganda. [/cheesy Russian accent]

Great thanks to Fez for the link.

1 comment:

  1. I guess Butte Montana wasn't available. Oh wait, that's overrun with fuckup FBI agents ;).

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin
