Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not going quietly ...

Which is why we love Elizabeth Warren:

Now that the White House has decided not to nominate Elizabeth Warren to run the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she's taking her fight to protect the new agency directly to Republicans. And she says the time has come either for President Obama to recess appoint his designated director, or to engage in a loud, public fight with the GOP senators who have vowed to block the confirmation of any nominee, regardless of ideology or affiliation.


It's about time Mr. Obama had "a loud, public fight with the GOP", though his past track record says otherwise. Hopefully, now that he has to run for President again, he'll be drawn into that fight on the campaign trail.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care if Obama has to shit in the Repugs' mess gear, he needs to do whatever it takes to get the CFPB up and running.
