Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Pigs Are Flying at the New York Times

Bobo Calls GOP a Psychiatric Case (go see! - G)

By Tony Peyser

I gather it's freezing down in Hell
And all pigs are flying:
David Brooks says some higher
Taxes are worth trying.

Bobo got his tit in a wringer for telling the truth for once instead of sticking with evil fantasy talking points. To wit:

The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency. A nation makes a sacred pledge to pay the money back when it borrows money. But the members of this movement talk blandly of default and are willing to stain their nation’s honor.

The struggles of the next few weeks are about what sort of party the G.O.P. is — a normal conservative party or an odd protest movement that has separated itself from normal governance, the normal rules of evidence and the ancient habits of our nation.

If the debt ceiling talks fail, independent voters will see that Democrats were willing to compromise but Republicans were not. If responsible Republicans don’t take control, independents will conclude that Republican fanaticism caused this default. They will conclude that Republicans are not fit to govern.

And they will be right.

Some of us have known that for years of course, but this time it's so egregious that even the faithful can't drink enough kool-aid to cover it up. The sin is saying in public what all the old (read: marginally sane) Repugs are saying in private.

T-shirt image from Things You Never Knew Existed.


  1. The supposedly sane Rethugs hadda pull the cork out of the bottle and let the crazy loose. Bed. Made. Lie. However, it's gonna take the rest of us down with it when it goes. I have this feeling it's gonna get worse before it gets any better and we're all in for more pain.

  2. I have this feeling it's gonna get worse before it gets any better and we're all in for more pain.
