Monday, July 25, 2011

Quote of the Day

From an LATimes op-ed on Goodhair's call to prayer* to "seek God's guidance and wisdom in addressing the challenges that face our communities, states and nation."

*Xtians only. No others need apply.

There is a reason theocracies are found at the bottom of the world's economic and opportunity ladder. Successful public policy cannot be based purely on doctrines established before we knew the Earth orbited the sun.

Well said.


  1. Personally, I think all this hot weather is God's warning to the teabaggers, but that's just me.

  2. God's being way too subtle to get through to them.

  3. "...Successful public policy cannot be based purely on doctrines established before we knew the Earth orbited the sun..."

    Oddly, I know some people who would say to us, "Whaddaya mean, it DOESN'T"??!!

    I know several who think that a better controlled version of the society in "A Handmaid's Tale", and Farren's "Armagedon Crazy", and the actual Geneva of John Clvin would be places that they would thrive and flourish.

    The REALLY awful part is: I think they probably would.
