Friday, July 15, 2011

See yas ...

It's about time one of the top management joins the 200 hard working people from News of the World on the unemployment line. However, she should be sharing the dock in Old Bailey with Murdoch and his son.

Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of News International, has resigned, the company has confirmed.

Her departure follows days of increasing pressure to step down as the phone hacking crisis grew.

In a statement, she said she felt a "deep responsibility for the people we have hurt".


She feels a deep responsibility to keep herself out of jail.

The Mrs. asked me yesterday: "Is it too much to hope for that there will be no Fox News here in the future?"

Short answer: Yes.

I think, in America, Murdoch has the testicles of too many Republicans in his hand to get run out of town. AG Holder is no crusader for justice either.


  1. If it turns out Fox had some hand in tapping the family's of 911, I think you will see it fold. I think Murdoch is done. His fall will be quick and complete.

  2. Let's hope, but I ain't holding my breath.

  3. And, if he does go down, I hope he takes a buncha Rethugs with him.

  4. Hello Fixer,

    Why think so small. He should take almost all if not all the Rethugs with him.

  5. If Rupe is going down in this country it will take some real reporting to do so. The DoJ will go nowhere unless Rupe has been growing his own weed on one of his estates.
