Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Trouble with meeses...

My tactical mouse quit on me and my running spare is acting up and it's making posting a pain in the ass and I quit for today.


  1. My tactical mouse ...

    You got a "strategic" mouse too? Heh ...

  2. I have a Strategic, a Tactical, a Mount-out, and a Running Spare.

    We caught 'half-price mouse clearance day' at Rite-Aid. Ten bucks! Full-size optical.

  3. Running Spare

    To a car guy that's: "Well, it would run if I could afford gas and a battery for it."

    Or: "I got a good spare tire, I just gotta go get air in it."

    Heh ...

  4. Spare tires on pickups never have air in 'em because it's hard to check air pressure where they're mounted. I carry a 12V air pump. I carry jumper cables too, but in case I ever have a flat tire and a dead battery at the same time I also carry a AAA card. Heh.
