Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Village ...

Is getting scared of the idiots.

Personally, I'm sick of this debt ceiling bullshit. The Republicans ginned up this crisis and drove the country to the edge of the cliff. Obama* could have headed this off months ago, and so could the Dems. At this point, I could give a shit. Whatever happens Tuesday will happen and we'll have to deal with the consequences, or not. They all suck.

Call me when they figure it out.

And I'll predict one thing right now. If the economy doesn't turn around in a big way, Obama ain't getting a second term. Not after this bullshit he ain't.

*All he would have had to say, as soon as the teabaggers made the first peep was "The debt ceiling is vital to our national security. I will veto anything but a clean bill." Think about it.


  1. ["*All he would have had to say, as soon as the teabaggers made the first peep was "The debt ceiling is vital to our national security. I will veto anything but a clean bill." Think about it."]

    I been waiting since December - when they didn't include the debt ceiling in with the tax cuts for millionaires - for him to demand a clean bill.

    When he didn't, I was all WTF??? Now I just wish somebody would primary him on the

    /progressive, antiwar, tax the rich, leagalize&tax pot/

    kind of platform. Maybe we should talk to Alan Grayson.
    or even Weiner.

    *I can dream,can't I*

  2. The title of your post is apropos, M. Night Shyamalan's (fuck the spelling of that!) "The Village" could have easily been about the Repug/Teabagger mindset.
