Monday, August 1, 2011

All you need to know ...

About this debt ceiling deal:

Grover Norquist Backs The New Debt Deal


  1. That means it will probably pass. The 'baggers loves to suck them some Groober ass.

  2. Yeppers, your Social Security and Medicare are gonna get chopped by this bill like one of them thare TV kitchen appliances does to a plate full of veggies. But hey, that's okay, Gordon. Rep. Paul Braun (R-Ga) says all you need to do to cut back is cancel your country club membership to save on expenses and you'll be just fine.

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  3. Broun's a Republican, so your statement is redundant, Gordo ;). It just illustrates that Broun -- and Republicans, and Washington pols in general -- is about as removed from the lives of ordinary Americans as the weather on Mars.

    - Badtux the WASF Penguin
