Thursday, August 25, 2011

Because a guy ...

Is actually concerned about the peoples' interest and making sure justice is done:

Eric T. Schneiderman, the top prosecutor in New York, was removed on Tuesday from a committee of state attorneys general investigating mortgage abuses.

In recent months, Mr. Schneiderman has voiced concerns over a proposed settlement between major banks and a coalition of federal and state officials over claims of foreclosure abuses. He has come under increasing pressure to approve the deal.


Where the White House and those in Congress worry about losing campaign contributions, the NYAG wants justice for those who were screwed by the banksters. For this he has everyone crawling up his ass.


Mr. Schneiderman has said that he opposes any deal that gives participating banks a release from other litigation surrounding their mortgage activities. Attorneys general from other states have also questioned aspects of the deal, including Beau Biden of Delaware.


They flushed their money and ours and now they want to walk away scot free like the telecom industry. At least, Big Telco was doing their bit at the behest of the government in the name of "fighting terrorists". You know, with all the pushback from the White House and Congress against Mr. Schneiderman, I get the feeling somebody (maybe a lot of somebodys) big was fully aware of what was going on or actually endorsed it (and making their own money off it, even though they knew the bottom would fall out) and don't want the truth to come out.


  1. I'm glad Obama is more concerned about the fate of B of A than about the people who get hurt by their practices...this just makes it more likely he won't be getting my vote in 2012.

    At least with a Repub it's all up front, instead of being backstabbed repeatedly by someone who says he's on your side....

  2. Gov Cuomo need to give Schneiderman a protection detail. The people he is going up against won't stop with hookers this time.
