Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A big "if" ...

David Atkins @ Digby's:


Meanwhile, it's worth remembering how Ghaddafi thanked Republicans for their help in defending his regime in June:

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi has written to members of Congress thanking them for criticizing President Obama last week over his involvement in the NATO-led military campaign in Libya.


If national Democrats have an ounce of intelligence, they will hang this issue over the heads of Republicans at least 1/10th as vociferously as Republicans would have done to Democrats had the roles been reversed. [my em]


Seriously? Do we really think the Dems will muster up enough testicle (especially the President) to shove it up the Republicans' ass? I don't. David finishes:


That Republicans still somehow retain the mantle of national security is a testament to a massive lack of political courage on the part of Democrats to tell the truth about who is effective even in military policy, and who is not.

Whatever happens next year, it will be because the American people have had enough bullshit, or not. It will be because the economy turns around, or not. And it will be because Obama started acting like a Democrat, or not. Anything this administration and national Democrats do, we already know, will be half-baked and ineffective. It seems to me the Dems are allergic to helping their own cause. This assumes they even have a cause anymore.

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