Monday, August 22, 2011

Chutzpah ...

No tax cuts for you because it costs too much:


The GOP is also coming out against extending the payroll tax cuts. Yes, I know that takes some special chutzpah considering that they have made the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy a sacred cause. But giving tax breaks to workers will cost ...

And there's 30% of the American public who are going to pay more tax saying "Right on!"


  1. Hey, the Repub thing is that the peasants should know their place...and it certainly helps that a large number of the peasants are happy to agree with them...even though they're being fucked over to ensue that the rich get richer...

  2. Anonymous has it right.

    Republicans are always going on about how 51% or so of Americans pay NO income tax. Their voters think that is directed toward OTHER people but, in fact, it is directed toward them. Payroll taxes are not considered "income" taxes but the working and middle class people who vote R are blissfully oblivious to that fact. :) It's so tragic that you have to laugh. (These same folks (voters)are always screaming about those filthy trial lawyers and how we need tort reform. If you try to point out to them that if the wrong leg is amputated or their child dies from egregious neglect or incompetence their malpractice suit will be capped and/or limited according to the income produced by the damaged or dead individual, they quickly assure you that just isn't so.) Sigh.

    Jay in N.C.
