Saturday, August 6, 2011

Goin' ridin'

Off today to ride the Geritol Trial put on by SactoPITS. Sounds like it's right up my alley. The ideal of course would be the "Prune Juice and Hydrocortisone Trial". Heh. See yas later.


Home safe and sound, tired, dirty, happy. No blood, tears, or trauma, plenty a' sweat. Got another 1st place (also last and only) in class trophy (photo). Only dropped the bike once and it doesn't count because I didn't fall all the way off and Mrs. G got video. Heh. Will put something up at Fixer & Gordon tomorrow. Hopefully. G'nite.

Update the Twoth:

Due to the amazing restorative powers of a Blue Coyote Combo pizza and three glasses of limeade, I came up with enough energy to put up a short video of my ride over at Fixer & Gordon. Longer post will follow.