Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good thing ...

The FBI is wasting time on a 40 year old cold case instead of, say, chasing after our modern day corporate criminals.

SEATTLE — The FBI’s “promising lead” in the D.B. Cooper hijacking case has led to a man who died about 10 years ago, an FBI spokesman said Monday.

Special Agent Fred Gutt said the bureau’s Seattle office has been investigating for more than a year a lead that has "more credibility and detail" than other tips regarding the unsolved hijacking of a Seattle-bound flight on Thanksgiving Eve 1971.

Gutt declined to identify the man, who died of natural causes.


Yet the people who flushed our banking and investment system down the tubes still walk free. Gotta love the priorities of the Obama administration.

Great thanks to They Gave Us A Republic for the link.

1 comment:

  1. Free! Nope. The FBI will get them too...forty years from now and ten years after they have died of natural causes. See, they'll get the same justice DB Cooper got.
