Wednesday, August 10, 2011

If the Tea Party Were Liberal

Tina Dupuy

If liberals were doing to the country what extremist tea party Republicans are doing – it would be called unpatriotic. A whole tsunami of sound bites would sweep the country calling for the sabotage to stop.

Liberal dissent is akin to a security breach but conservative economic calamity is given a pass. We’ve treated the tea party like they are our country’s kooky, graying, drunken uncle at Thanksgiving dinner spouting some non sequiturs he picked up on AM radio. When really they are well-funded economic saboteurs who refuse to participate in the democratic process. Their goal of causing the executive branch of government to fail means our entire country goes with it.

If liberals did this to their own country they’d be called criminals. The tea party did do this to their own country and they are treated like avant-garde Civil War reenactors.

That's right on the money. Let's hope this "Civil War reenactment" comes out like the Civil War did, that is, with the miscreants crushed.

1 comment:

  1. If liberals were doing to the country what extremist tea party Republicans are doing ...

    They'd all be in Gitmo.
