Thursday, August 25, 2011

It had to happen, didn't it?

Raw Story

Within hours of an earthquake striking the eastern U.S. Tuesday, a rabbi that has spoken for the anti-gay group National Organization for Marriage (NOM) was already blaming homosexuals.

In a video posted to YouTube, Rabbi Yehuda Levin asserted that “one of the reasons God brings earthquakes to the world is because of the transgressions of homosexuality.”

“An email went out in my community just a few hours ago, ‘How long will it take Rabbi Levin to tie this earthquake in with homosexual marriage?’” he began. “Not very long at all. I’m happy to see that people — even if some of them are scoffers — are starting to see the connection.”

“Yes, there is a direct connection between earthquakes and homosexuality. There was in Haiti and it is here, in New York, in Washington, D.C., where they passed homosexual legislation ordinances, in New York City and state, where they opened, especially on Sunday early, where they passed the homosexual marriage law.”

Oy gevult...


  1. I wonder what the good Rabbi has to say about the southern drought? Or are they suffering because there's a couple queers in Austin?

  2. The Rabbi needs to remove his hat and let his head cool down.

  3. If it was because of Gays, only the ugly buildings would have been off'd!

  4. Wow, The Gay Agenda must be a mighty super-villain indeed if he can even cause earthquakes with his Gay Ray of Gayness! Thing is, I don't buy it. The Washington Monument is, like, the most phallic thing in D.C., yo. Ain't no friggin' way a gay dude would cause cracks in that thing, unless maybe he was, like, ridin' it like a buckin' bronco!

    - Badtux the Snarky Penguin

  5. Close BT, but some of us think of it as a national pencil dick.

  6. Hello Gordon,

    The lady doth protest too much, methinks! What closet is the rab currently residing?
