Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Just a thought ...

After the better part of a 6-pack so take it for what it's worth. What do you think the result would be if all the progressives/liberals who are as pissed off as I am about this debt ceiling debacle wrote in "Bernie Sanders" on next year's presidential ballot?


  1. He and Obama would both lose and we'd have President Perry or Bachmann or a fucking Mormon asset stripper.

  2. My larger point is that a Presidential election is not the place to split the Democratic vote.

  3. Yeah, Gordon might be right, but I entertain fantasies of Bernie Sanders being president. GO BERNIE!

    Jay in N.C.

  4. I'll vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is, but I sure the bleep am gonna write Bernie's name in on the primary ballot! Hint -- I didn't vote for either Hillary *OR* Obama in last election's California primary, I cast my vote for someone who'd already announced he'd dropped out, who was more in tune with my general philosophy. So if you wanna cast a protest vote, do it in the primaries. I did, and folks seem to think I'm a pretty smart bird.

    - Badtux the Voting Penguin

  5. Thank you, Bad. I really had not thought of that. I WILL do so!

    Jay in N.C.

    (I did vote for Obama but I did it with a heavy heart and a reluctant hand.)

  6. Hello Fixer,

    I would vote for Bernie Sanders as he is an independent. Voting for Obummer is a slower way to get to the bottom. He is even worse then the Rethugs as he is willing to give up almost everything that made the US a country worth living in. When the town drunk was a child he lost his lunch money every day to the Rethug bullies. Obomber has been rolled more times than the town drunk for his lunch and liquor money. This is an ongoing pattern which will not be stopped unless and until he is out of office.

  7. Maybe I'm a naive old broad, but I'm willing to bet the second verse won't be the same as the first. I'm thinking he'll have nothing to lose in a second term and will come out kicking butt.

    However, I could be wrong. I have been once or twice.

  8. I'm thinking he'll have nothing to lose in a second term and will come out kicking butt.

    I'm secretly hoping for that too.

  9. Hoping for Obama to be different in a second term is not sensible, but desperate. What you're saying is that you see him doing these things and refuse to believe that he is the way he is. Instead, you want to believe that he is secretly what you want him to be and will reveal it after the second election. He's been himself all along. Many liberals, not me but others, fooled themselves into thinking Obama was a progressive the first time. I went around saying, "He's just another corporate Democrat" and people kept telling themselves that he was progressive because he's black. Gotta be progressive if you're black, right?

    Nope. Never been anything but what you see. What you see is what we got. That's the whole deal.

  10. Yeppers. Back during the last presidential primaries I kept pointing out to folks that the actual policies that Obama was proposing were to the right of Mitt Romney, but it was futile. It turns out that Obama has actually governed to the left of what he ran as -- he's now as liberal(?) as Mittens -- but he is what he is: a conservative black man raised by a banker. Folks who ever deluded themselves that he was progressive were doing so based upon hope, not data, because there was no (zero) data suggesting such in any of his actual campaign policy proposals.

    - Badtux the Reality-based Penguin
