Thursday, August 11, 2011

Keep praying ...

Because your faith in your elected officials is, sadly, misplaced:

In case anyone was wondering if there would come a point at which basic reality would send a wake-up call to blinkered Tea Party conservatives, you have your answer in the Great State of Texas. Specifically, the town of Kemp, population 1,133:


I think our pal, and fellow New Yorker, Montag coined the phrase "cement heads". An apt term if I ever heard one.


  1. You are too kind Mr F. It is a term used around here where we drink pop.

  2. Digby was only wrong about 'dowsing'. I can do that and it works.

  3. Tami is getting better I am very happy to say and thank you for asking. Her blood numbers are going in the right direction. We're damn glad we took in when we did.

    I witched for a location for a water well once and hit 70 gallons per minute in a drought year. You can tell the difference between your water line in and your drain line out by the feel of the wands in your hands.

    Oil? Probably too deep to register on bent coat hangers.

  4. I have used the bent coat hangers method to trace the location of buried water and gas lines. It baffles the fuck out of me how/why it works but I'm sure that it does.
