Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Murdoch Hacked Us Too

A 'must read' by Daddy Frank on Murdoch, the New York Post, and News Corp's shady dealings on this side of the pond. All the usual suspects and more. Links at site.

[...] You must know something about Rupert Murdoch, I said, feeling quite upbeat about our white knight from Down Under. Jane would have none of it. “He’s bloody why I left Australia!” she replied.

The wholesale buying of elected officials is such a staple at Fox News we don’t think twice about it anymore. [...]

If Murdoch is to be undone in America, as in England, it won’t be politicians who take the lead. It will take aggressive journalism, law enforcement, and civil actions to force jettisoned News Corp. executives to sing. [...]

Which is to say, it will take a lot of heavy lifting to overturn all the rocks under which Murdoch’s secrets are buried. As in Watergate, the process of discovery will ebb and flow for months and possibly years: A 26-month interval separated the arrest of the low-level burglars trying to bug the Democratic National Committee headquarters and Nixon’s resignation. The most important first step down this road will be for Americans to fully recognize that what happened at News of the World was no isolated virus but part of a larger culture that didn’t remain quarantined on the other side of the ocean. Once that realization sinks in, it can only hasten the day when the long national nightmare of the Murdochization of America, now well into its fourth decade, will be over.

Pops tamps Murdoch's shit into a nice neat felonious brick. Do not miss this.


From RawReplay:


  1. From Frank's mouth to the prosecutors ear.

  2. If Murdoch is to be undone in America, as in England, it won’t be politicians who take the lead. It will take aggressive journalism ...

    Aggressive journalism? In America? Stop, yer killn' me.

  3. We still have aggressive journalists. They are not encouraged, and their work is suppressed by Big Media.

  4. Indeed. America will probably end up being Murdoch's Elba.
