Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Conversation with Jesus

You'll like this. Andy Ostroy:

Me: Mr. Christ, or can I call you Jesus?.... I gotta ask you this question before anything else. Is it true that you're a Republican?

Jesus: What!? Where did you get that ridiculous notion from, my dear Jewish atheist child. Have you not actually read my book, I mean the Bible?

Me: What about Rick Perry's 'prayer rally' in Texas on Saturday? He was talking to you. Told you "you are our only hope." Were you listening to him? Did you say anything back?

Jesus: First off, let me say neither I or anyone in my family was at that event. That's not my kind of prayer rally. As for me being the only hope, that's quite sad. Perhaps Mr. Perry would be better served to look in the mirror and judge his own narrow-minded, divisive behavior. How he and his conservative brethren prey on the weak, the meek, the needy. Remember Proverbs 14:31...He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. Ok, gotta run...I have a bris in Great Neck I have to get to...

An 'ouch' for Great Neck. Much more.

Me'n Jesus had a conversation once, but we had better acid back in the day. We pretty much agreed I'll only do very simple carpentry and he won't try to fix his own motorcycle.


  1. ...I have a bris in Great Neck I have to get to...

    Who knew Jesus had family on Long Island? Heh ...

  2. We pretty much agreed I'll only do very simple carpentry and he won't try to fix his own motorcycle.

    Huh. So tell me, Gordon, what kind of motorcycle does Jesus ride, anyhow?

    - Badtux the Motorcyclin' Penguin

  3. Shit, Netanyahu probly does...

    Note: I misspelled 'shit' and spellcheck caught it. Heh.

  4. Bt, any kind he wants.

    I meant Netanyahu probly has family in Lawn Guyland and for sure in Florida.

  5. Heh. Yeah, shoulda figgered, Gordo. Kinda like asking what kinda beer a bear drinks :).

    - Badtux the Goin-ta-see-da-bears Penguin
