Thursday, August 18, 2011

Now ...

Were I an evangelical Christian, I might think, at this point in time, God would want me to rethink my mission to be a racist, self-centered prick. You know, being "Mr. Jesus", Rick Perry, prayed for rain and God laughed. Oh, that's right, God only smites "decadent" places like New Orleans, New York, and San Francisco. All I have to say is: "Where's God now, twats?"


  1. Now, don't that there map look like hell?

  2. Looks like Gawd is smitin' Texas hip and thigh for electing such a dipstick!

  3. California and The West have been drier'n a popcorn fart for years, kind of a permadrought, but due to De Lawd smitin' us decadent godless commies with last winter we're doin' OK this year.

    I hope when God decides to give the drought-stricken area some relief, He blesses them with it all at once.
