Saturday, August 20, 2011

Secaucus Fats takes easy way out of Repug Prez clown-off

Raw Story

According to the New Jersey Star-Ledger, governor Chris Christie joined Presidential candidate Jon Hunstman in coming out in full support of the issue. "Climate change is real," Christie told reporters. "Human activity plays a role in these changes, and it is impacting our state."

The "easy way out" of the Repug primary flusterpluck is to tell the truth, after which he could never be considered "pure" enough for the Dead End Quarter True Believers. Too bad really. I woulda been dazzled if he coulda fit in the clown car.

1 comment:

  1. I woulda been dazzled if he coulda fit in the clown car.

    Woulda had to grease him with copious amounts of "santorum".
