Saturday, August 20, 2011

Send your condolences ...

Our friend and fellow blogger over at F&G, Bustednuckles, is getting the ball and chain attached tomorrow. He's gonna have some adult supervision from now on, which, if you read 'Nucks regularly, you know he needs, just like me and Gordon. Heh ...

Seriously, I wish him and his new bride all the love and fun the Mrs. and I have, for a very long time. I wouldn't trade what I have for anything and I hope he can say the same thing in 20 years.

As I light a fattie in his honor, I wish them all the best. Why don't you go over there and send your condolences best to him too?

Another one bites the dust.

Queen - Another One Bites The Dust


  1. I left Nucks this on his FB page:

    I came over to wish you well on your nuptials when I spotted a photo of your intended, if the post below this one is to be believed. I see what gotcha in all this trouble! Damn, son, she's hotter'n a 2-dollar pistol! Happy landings, both a yas!

  2. Thank you both for the best wishes.

    The clock is ticking and the wedding practice is on it's way.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. Done.
