Wednesday, August 3, 2011

So I ask ...

Why couldn't Barry handle it like Bill Clinton did?

... Still, even though Clinton enjoyed political and economic advantages that Obama does not, his no-compromises strategy had some clear advantages. Unlike Obama, he refused to let the threat of default set the national agenda. Because he would not enter into negotiations over the debt ceiling, the issue barely roused the public consciousness ... [em in orig]

Because Obama thought he was smarter than he really is. Just because he went to Harvard don't make him a genius. After all, the Chimp went to Yale.

Of course, the main difference is, Obama wanted the showdown to rationalize his much-desired Grand Bargain on Social Security and Medicare! ...

Note for the future, Mr. Obama: You can't bargain with terrorists. They are willing to die where you're not.


And the great D-cap (I been waiting for this) echoes my sentiment:

... Rule 2 of negotiation - (as told by Golda Meir) - do not negotiate with terrorists. When you see the other side is a bunch of ignorant sociopaths bent on burning the village to save the village - do NOT be afraid to threaten. The 14th amendment should have been Obama's Entebbe.

Instead this capitulation will be his Munich.



  1. Somtimes, I think Obama's problem is that he's too much of an ivory tower uintellectual.

    He's obviously very smart, but apparently doesn't have an appreciation of the realities of politics--or of dealing with the unreasonable. He seems to think everybody is reasonable and that everything is a matter of "achieving "bipartisanship" or "reasonable compromise." And in that sense he's like Neville Chamberlain--he just doesn't know how to deal with people who are completely unreasonable.

    Plus, he doesn't really seem how to negotiate, as the article stated. He seems too willing to give up his positions far too quickly. It's like he doesn't want to put up a fight for anything he supposedly believes in....

  2. BO went to Columbia too. That makes him double plus secret smart. That's how he can see in 11 dimensions, don't you know.

  3. Maybe a blow job under the desk would help...

  4. I agree on everything about Obama, but let's not give Clinton too much credit. He worked by co-opting Republican positions, thus moving the country farther to the right in the process.
