Monday, August 1, 2011

So ...

According to what I hear on the news in the wee hours, it seems as if the powers-that-be have reached a deal on the debt ceiling. I got a suggestion for President Obama, once this bullshit deal is signed:

Direct the FBI to arrest the Republican leaders of the House and Senate on charges of treason for attempting to circumvent the constitutional budget and legislative processes.

This was treasonous and if the debt ceiling isn't raised it will do serious harm to the American people. They were perfectly willing to destroy our way of life and to me that deserves a bullet.

As for our spineless, nutless, self-serving President. Don't expect my vote next Election Day.


Via our pal Montag, Dr. Krugman:


It is, of course, a political catastrophe for Democrats, who just a few weeks ago seemed to have Republicans on the run over their plan to dismantle Medicare; now Mr. Obama has thrown all that away. And the damage isn’t over: there will be more choke points where Republicans can threaten to create a crisis unless the president surrenders, and they can now act with the confident expectation that he will.


Proud to be an American when our representatives are either losers or criminals.

And just a thought: I can't wait until this evening when Lawrence O'Donnell comes on and tells me what a genius the President is at playing 11-Dimensional Chess. I know a couple 3-Card Monte players who are just waiting for Obama to come down their street.


  1. As for our spineless, nutless, self-serving President. Don't expect my vote next Election Day.

    Shouldn't the FBI arrest him for aiding and abetting the Republicans?

  2. "Direct the FBI to arrest the Republican leaders of the House and Senate on charges of treason for attempting to circumvent the constitutional budget and legislative processes."

    Yeah, that'll happen.

    Our entire federal government, and a good many state governments (the entire Minnesota legislature) exists for one reason now: to make sure the rich have things as easy as possible. That's it. I won't be voting for Obama either.

  3. Sorry, but Obama and the Dems have officially become he Party of Wimps--they cave in the clutch, and then promise us NEXT time around, they'll fight like tigers--except they don't.

    Time to switch party affiliation from Dem to Independent.

  4. I became a Socialist a few months back.

  5. Some of us have become Socialists and some of us have become terminally disgusted. I fall into the latter group.

    As an aside... I continually hear that the Republican move to restrict voter access is racially and ethnically motivated. That is not really my opinion. I think the plan is more subtle and sweeping. I believe it is aimed at making it difficult for older people to vote. If the oldersters don't vote, dismantling Social Security and Medicare will be a snap. Just my opinion.

    Jay in N.C.

    *I would love to NOT vote for Obama again (didn't want to the first time) but if Bachmann or Perry is the alternative, I guess I would drag my pissed off self to the polls and vote for the useless SOB again. :(
