Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sorry ...

I been AWOL 2 mornings in a row but I had to do some emergency maintenance over at Dad-in-law's this morning. When it rains, it pours. Amazing to me, though, that a male aide (the overnight guy we have for the old man), 45 years old, can go for weeks wondering why half the lights in the house don't work and not think to change a light bulb or two to remedy the problem (let alone a half dozen like I changed today, among other things). He couldn't even bother to alert me to a possible electrical problem if he didn't have the sechel to try a new bulb. He tells the Mrs. when she was there the other day that the "house is getting dark". Fortunately, after 4 1/2 months of interviews, we've found a replacement and his ass is shipping out next week. Idiot.


  1. Hello Fixer,

    It's hard to get good help when you are looking in the repuke geen (gene) pool.

  2. Best of luck to you in finding someone good. Wish I could send you Betty, the lady who cared for my father the last 6 months of his life (nearly 15 years ago now). When the heating system gave out one night in the middle of winter, she was on the phone to the heating company at 7 AM the next morning. They said they would send someone out later in the day; she said no, you'll send someone out right now - and they did. Same thing with the podiatrist when something was wrong with my father's foot: the podiatrist said he'd stop by in a couple of days and she said no, you'll stop by after work TODAY - and he did. She had a way of twisting arms. She was a God-send and I don't know how we lucked out in getting her. My mother-in-law hasn't been so lucky in finding someone for my father-in-law. Hope the new person works out for you.

  3. Theo - We have a wonderful woman with him during the day and she's a lot like the Betty you describe. We've had it with this guy for a while but the old man likes him. He has Alzheimer's so we didn't want to shake up his world too much, but since the beginning of the year it's been obvious that the guy is an idiot. We found a nice Filipino man who we've been working in for the last week during the day so the old man gets used to him. It seems to be a good fit so far.
