Thursday, August 11, 2011

Standard Republican hypocrisy ...

Via TPM, one of the people who made hypocrisy into an art form shows how it's done:

Gov. Mitt Romney lobbied the credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s in 2004 to raise his state’s credit rating in part because Massachusetts had raised taxes during an economic downturn two years earlier.


I think Larry O'Donnell pointed this all out last night, that the Republicans know what it takes to fix the economy but they just won't do it. Thanks to President Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge they signed and the idiot Teabaggers who've been conned into voting against their own interests, with religious-like fervor, they'd rather flush what's left of this country than do what they know is the right thing in order to hold on to power. To me, that's treasonous.

1 comment:

  1. Repug Job One is to beat Obama. Period. Nothing else is important to them, not that doing the people's business ever has been.
