Sunday, August 28, 2011

Still kicking ...

Well, we made it through the night and the house is still in one piece and dry. I was out with the dogs about an hour ago and the backyard is a debris field. My street is a river. We're getting sustained 65 - 70 mph winds and the power went out during the night but, obviously, it's back. The eye of the storm should pass directly over us in about 2 1/2 hours, coinciding, unfortunately with the New Moon and high tide.

Still waiting for the worst. Later ...

Update 1200:

It's high noon and the winds have died down enough for me and my crack inspection team to assess the damage.

The girls were very happy to get out for a little while since, during the storm, we were only dashing out so they could relieve themselves and dashing back in. 30 seconds tops.

I lost a total of 4 roof shingles and the branch the girls were inspecting was the most of the tree damage. I did have a near miss on the new shed, but "horseshoes and hand-grenades", and all that shit.

I am gonna be cleaning up a million little shitbag branches for a couple days though.

We weathered the storm quite well, but we're still dealing with the wind field. Dad-in-law's power is out but everybody's safe and my old aunts are all good too. We were lucky, a lot of others in this area weren't.

Sorry about the blurry pics. I'l have better ones once the sun comes out and I'm not being led by two dogs who have to inspect everything.


  1. Thanks for the update. When I went to bed last night (1ish out here) it looked like the whole eastern seaboard got pretty much sideswiped but L.I. was gonna get the most direct hit of all.

    I'm so glad you personally got so little damage I could just shit!

  2. Yeah, I'm happy too. We're having a little party now, me, the Mrs., and the girls (lemonade and raspberry vodka with shrimp cocktail - I'm sharing the shrimp with the girls but not my drinks, heh ...), since the worst is over. Still getting 40 mph wind gusts and a little drizzle, but it's getting better by the hour.

  3. Good. The tension has eased and you need to unwind before the work starts. If it had been me, I'da never slept a wink, woulda went outside with a strong light about every 15 minutes to check on things.

  4. I got a good 7 1/2 hours. It's all in the perspective though. If I got a snowfall like you guys do in one shot, I'd spend a sleepless night worrying about things too. After 50 years, tropical storms are old hat.

  5. Good point! It's all about what you're used to.

  6. Snow is real quiet. I bet last night wasn't!

  7. Hello from Edison, NJ, where Mrs DBK and I came to celebrate her mother's eightieth birthday and enjoy the fine weather you folks get out here on the East Coast. We spent the night in the hotel listening to the wind and watching whatever got through the satellite dish to the TV. The channels kept going in and out. The hotel lost power, but they had a backup generator that kicked in pretty quick, and then the power came back a little later. I'm happy that the damage to Casa Fixuh was as minimal as it was.

    Our flight back to Minnesota was supposed to be around 2PM yesterday. That didn't happen. We head back tomorrow evening. I'm sure Newark airport will be a zoo.

  8. Glad ya's OK. If we still lived along the Waloomsac Our farmhouse would be flooded. Poor Vermont...damn
