Sunday, August 21, 2011

Super Duper Congress. With Cheese. And Goats...

Will Durst on the "Super Congress":

A majority of the committee, equally split between Republicans and Democrats, must agree on the proposal to send it to the whole of Congress who will vote either up or down with no amendments or filibusters allowed: meaning one member has to cross party lines, which is about as likely as pimento flavored Velveeta taking first place in the 2012 World Championship Artisan Cheese Contest.

Just as an aside, no Velveeta in the American Cheese Society's biggest winners. California cheeses that did well include Sierra Nevada Cheese Co. Capretta plain goat yogurt; and Meyenberg European-style goat butter. Goats were well represented.

Now, this group has been called many things. Useless. The Supercommittee. Business as Usual. The Twerpy Twelve. A Dozen Punters. The Craven Caucus. Esteemed Assembly of the Ill- Advisable. League of the Unexceptionally Pontificating Pool of Party Hacks. But most commonly, it is referred to as: "Super Congress."

"Slower than a slug on Thorazine; less powerful than a soggy Kleenex; unable to compromise in a million years. Look! Up in that swiveling leather club seat of that private jet. It's a ruse, it's a sham, it's... Super Congress.

And when their capes are discarded and utility belts back in storage, we can move onto the next level of logical suspension and form the Super Duper Congress. Then, Son of Super Duper Congress. And call in Batman or maybe the Justice League or reconvene the Watchmen or that little guy who talks backwards and doesn't make any sense. Mr. Mxyztplk. You may know him as: Ron Paul. More scorpions, please


  1. ... what they did was not so much kick the can down the road, but throw it onto the back of a passing flatbed truck where it disappeared over the asphalt horizon.

    Heh ...

    "Behold the power of cheese!"

    This country is run by a buncha fucking idiots. About 5 years ago, maybe longer, I did a post on a "Blogger Administration", where, if I were President (Supreme Ruler of Everything is more my style but I'd settle for President) I'd appoint various bloggers to administration posts. To this day, I still think my choices would have done a much better job than the twats in the White House today.

  2. I've been trying post Social Security recipes lately and find that pimento Velveeta is a tasty addition to Frisky Feast. mmmmmm

  3. I had a goat cheese yesterday at a local food event that was terrific. Creamy and smooth and not too sour. Goat cheese gets a little sour as time goes on. The best goat cheese I ever had was from an organic goat farm in the Bay Area. Their gimmick is that they package it with edible flowers on top. Very pretty. If you see that cheese, get some. Of course, when I had it, it was inside a goat a day or two before, so again, freshness matters. I like goat cheese, but the stuff in the supermarket is never terribly fresh. Also, let it get to room temperature before you eat it. It's much better that way (same is true for most cheeses).
