Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thank you; thank you very much ...

A bond trader thanks the Tea Party for making him money:

As a long-time bond bull, my gratitude to the know-nothings in the Tea Party is profound.

So what if they played a major role in taking a thousand points off the stock market in the wake of the U.S. debt downgrade?

My bonds have rallied !!


How stupid and reckless is the Tea Party? In addition to shrugging off a default threat – or perhaps welcoming one – they believe austerity is the correct medicine for a weak economy!! Where did they study economics, in a cornfield outhouse??

It defies belief that Tea Party members actually think spending cuts will create jobs. No – spending cuts will eliminate jobs. The Know-Nothings don’t understand that, but hey — it’s good for my bonds !! [em in orig]


Always knew somebody would make money off it. I always wonder if the average Teabagger even understands what they've enabled to be done to this country. I wonder if any of them get how they've been duped and used as willing idiots to make the "elites" - who they say they despise so much - richer. I wonder if these self-proclaimed "patriots" (you'll see them at the link) realize what treasonous bastards they've become.

Great thanks to Mr. Aravosis for the link.

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