Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Told ya ...

They'd get promoted:

Three supervisors who ran Operation Fast and Furious, the program which allowed at least 2,000 semiautomatic weapons to be illegally trafficked over the border into Mexico, have been promoted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).


Everybody involved in that deal should be wearing orange jumpsuits not $1000 suits and collecting 6 figures. What a country. If you're an idiot, you get promoted. If you stand on your rights, you go to Gitmo.


  1. You were right. Letting guns go to Mexico for criminal use is an immigration policy worth getting promoted for. Yeesh.

  2. wait till we get President Perry -

    i bet i can beat you to Canada

  3. Reminds me of the FBI supervisors getting rewarded for ignoring the pre-9/11 warnings from the FBI agent about the 9/11 terrorists' curious (i.e., no landing instruction) flight training.
