Friday, August 19, 2011

Wah-wah-wah ...

We spend more money on "defense" than every other country combined. Now, since the nation is in a headlong rush to cut spending, Big Bullet is getting worried about their piece of the pie:

Facing the possibility of actual defense spending cuts for the first time since the end of the Cold War, the nation's biggest defense contractors have put aside their traditional hyper-competitiveness and joined forces in a messaging and advocacy blitz under the slogan "Second to None."

The campaign's website,, warns that "American leadership in aerospace and defense is being threatened by forces in Congress and the administration."


Rat bastids. They've all made a good living since World War 2, especially in bullshit wars (beginning with Korea) that served no purpose other than to kill young Americans and native innocents.

Like our pal Montag says:


Cute slogan Second to None and so true. Who else creates multi million dollar planes that look great on the ground but can't fly? And let us not forget the Navy's new vessels that will either break apart or rust out in their first year of operation.


It would be nice if the American people woke up and realized the real "welfare queens" in this country are the multi-national corporations and the filthy rich.

Fuck them.


  1. Permanent war is the Repug idea of a "jobs program".

  2. Yeah, always hiring cannon fodder and deck apes.

  3. And factory workers to build the guns and decks.
