Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why the center-left is fed up with Obama

Matt Miller

Here’s the thing. I know Tea Party Republicans were behind the debt-ceiling standoff that wreaked needless damage on confidence in the United States. I wrote weeks ago of Standard & Poor’s outrageous nerve in threatening a downgrade when America’s ability to pay its debts can’t possibly be in doubt. In short, I know who the real villains are at this volatile moment.

So why am I so mad at Barack Obama?

You may or may not agree with the writer. Just...go.


  1. I don't think Obama knows how to "go big". I think the last time he went out on a limb was when he proposed to Michelle.

  2. out on a limb

    Someone should tell him that you shouldn't be able to see the tree when you saw off the limb you're sitting on.

  3. Well, I think the feeling now is that Obama's a wimp. And (especially since Timmy G is staying on at Treasury), that he's Wall Street's wimp.
