Friday, August 12, 2011

With the stuff me and Gordon eat ...

This comes as welcome news:


"In essence, we have built a replacement sphincter that we hope can one day benefit human patients," said Khalil Bitar, a professor at the institute. Bitar performed the work while on the University of Michigan faculty.


After a hard night of pizza and beer, or a night with the chef's tasting menu and drinks at my pal Guy's French restaurant, I have begged for something like this the next morning. Heh ...

Seriously, I applaud any medical advance that can help people live more normal lives. Good on 'em.

Great thanks to Susie for the link.


  1. Excellent! Does it come in chrome?

  2. This is seriously important news for many classifications of patients! One can only hope that these guys can move from lab rat testing to reasonable success in humans in short order. People tend to giggle when bowel or rectal anatomy and physiology is the topic but these impairments and losses (due to illness and/or surgery and sometimes birth defect) are tragically serious for the patients. One can only hope that the funding stays steady for the project.

    Jay in N.C.

  3. Jay, we know this is serious and people will benefit from it, but anything involving where the sparks fly out of is funny! ;-)

  4. Indeed. The Mrs. always says I'm a 9 year old trapped in a man's body. Heh ...

  5. I have a very active inner 9-year-old too!

  6. Will it work as well to replace Mitch McConnell?

  7. @ Montag... Hell no! It requires human cells. McConnell is an upright turtle. What are you thinking???

    Jay in N.C.
