Friday, September 9, 2011

And no ...

The Mrs. and I will not be celebrating the "9/11 Gala Weekend". In fact, we're hoping to avoid as much of it as we can. Instead, we will be remembering our lost friends and neighbors* privately.

We feel** it is long past time to move on.

*And the soldiers and civilians who've given their lives under the auspices of the lie that they were fighting to protect us from another attack.

**For those who don't know, my wife is a survivor of both World Trade Center attacks.


  1. I'm hoping the 9/11 Porn will finally end at 10 years.

  2. Sure don't blame you for avoiding the party - and all the suits stroking each other. While I think the memorial design is pretty, it's got to be the most expensive headstone ever - and thus way over the top. I'd have had the burned out hook and ladder truck cast in clear polymer and put on a concrete slab where the building were . . .

  3. The whole goddamn thing has me sick to my stomach.

    We allowed the fucker who planned and financed this to run around free for almost all of that 10 years. It wasn't Saddam, nor was it the Taliban. It was al Qaida and bin Laden.

    He got pissed that we had a base in his country, the most holy place in Islam, and fucked us because of it.

    Bush and Cheney played on our fears and our collective trauma over the attacks to go after Saddam's oil. That alone should be grounds for treason. In a perfect world, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the goons would be sitting in a prison cell deciding what their last meal will be. But no...

    Now, 10 years later, we have become a nation of cowards, chickenshits, and scaredy-cats. I hear it every day. Scared of the Muslim horde. Scared of sharia law. Scared of science, facts, reality... you name it!

    But what of those who do have a backbone? Well, they get a free trip to the Middle East! The bravest of our kin have been sent in droves to Iraq to be slaughtered while the real criminals sit back on their book deals and make bank.

    America's body politic needs a full blown Drano enema.
