Sunday, September 11, 2011

Been there, done that...

The Daily Mail

It's a situation many can sympathise with - having one too many and attempting physical feats you'd never consider while sober.

But in this case the shamed boozy culprit was not human, but a moose who had become stuck several feet off the ground in an apple tree.

The inebriated creature managed to trap itself amongst the branches of the tree in Gothenburg after apparently becoming drunk while eating fermented apples.

Boozing mooses are not uncommon in Scandinavia...

Must be the socialism.


  1. Wa Yep, We saw a lotta em in Vermont too.

  2. When we saw this on the TV, the Mrs. turned to me and said "friend of yours?". Heh ...

  3. Give the moose a break. I couldn't tell you the number of times I passed out in an apple tree. Or woken up to see a ladder posed over the top of my drunk assed self with a Mexican migrant perched atop picking those apples.

    At least they gave me breakfast.
