Monday, September 19, 2011

Breitbart: Bring it on. Oh, yeah...?

From RawReplay, with video if you must.

Speaking to a Massachusetts tea party group recently, conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart made some comments that are raising eyebrows online this week, telling the small gathering of Republicans that he sometimes wants to “fire the first shot.”

“I’m under attack all the time,” he said. “The call me gay. There are death threats… There are times when I’m not thinking as clearly as I should, and in those unclear moments, I always think to myself, ‘Fire the first shot. Bring it on.’ Because I know who’s on our side.

“They can only win a rhetorical and propaganda war. They cannot win. We outnumber them in this country and we have the guns… I’m not kidding. They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line because they know what they’re dealing with. ”

It must be reassuring to that lily-livered pansy Breitbart that he won't be there when the shit goes down, but he'll take credit for it.

Public challenge to Breitbart: You want "bring it"? I'd LOVE to. Any time, any place, any weapon or none, you chickenshit motherfucker. You think you've been 'under attack' because people have told the truth about you? You don't know the meaning of the words. I pray that I get to instruct you.


  1. I pray that I get to instruct you.

    I'll bring the popcorn and a comfortable chair. I'd offer to bring some Gatorade for ya but I don't think you'd break a sweat. Heh ...

  2. You might not even need the chair. It won't take very long. Besides, if you're there I'll only do the job halfway and leave some fun for you. We can go halfsies on the popcorn too. Lotsa butter.

  3. Heh. A coupla nut brown ales, a fatty, a giant colon-drying popcorn fart, and the F-Man'll go all fuckin' postal on Breitbart's ass and I'll just sit there and watch!

  4. Hello Gordon,

    I always knew that Breitbart was crazy and also insane but until I read this I didn't know that he has reached intergalactic heights on his insanity. I feel that he holds the interstellar record for insanity. They had to build a special meter to properly record him. All the old meters broke as they were all pegged at the maximum.
