Sunday, September 25, 2011

Crickets ...

That's all you heard when the "Ground Zero Mosque" opened this week.

Mark Jacobson notes that the Ground Zero Mosque opened yesterday and....nothing happened. No protests, no Fox News cameras, not even so much as an outraged blog post from Pamela Geller


Just another faux outrage for the Republicans to wave around; distracting the ignorant, uneducated, and just plain fucking stupid from whatever dishonest bullshit they were doing at the time.

And just this to add. If a person doesn't get the Republican agenda by now, they don't even bother hiding it anymore, either you're a moron (through no fault of your own; medical problem, brain injury, bad genetics, never went to school, etc.), willfully ignorant (if you're smart enough to get it, but just don't want to) because you can't admit to yourself that your party of choice has gone completely over the deep end, or a person willing to fuck the rest of us - and this country - just to protect your slice of the pie.

I don't hold any animosity toward the moron (he/she can't help it) but those in the other 2 categories can just go fuck yourselves.


  1. I don't usually talk politics with my sis-in-law, but I did a little today. She is an avowed Teabagger and thinks she's mainstream America, that corporations are people and money is free speech. She's way too smart to think that shit and I have no explanation for it.

  2. She's probably been convinced that Obama is gonna take everything away from her. The Republican motto (which has also worked quite well for the NRA) is "Keep 'em scared, keep 'em pliable". It's all folks like her hear from Fox, Rush, Hannity, and Cavuto.

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