Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy fun cloud will kill you now

If it's Wednesday, it must be Morford...

Have you seen the future? Have you felt its hot, Wi-Fi enabled breath on your nervous and sweaty neck? Don't worry: You will.

Have you heard about the cloud? I bet you have. The cloud is the new oxygen. The cloud is the new Bieber. The cloud is the Next Supreme Step toward a gloriously sanitized uber-paradise where all worries vanish, all wires come unplugged and the cackling world government manipulates the whole thing very, very carefully.

Does it not, furthermore, remind us that we are nothing if not the balls-out most ridiculous and megalomaniacal species this side of the GOP inbreeding with the cast of "Jersey Shore"? You bet it does.

I get this awful visual of Snooki hollering "ride 'em, cowboy!" to Goodhair...

Or worse. Crazy Eyes and The Situation...

Must stop there. Brain is melting.


  1. Must stop there.

    Yes, you must.

    I have to laugh, over the years, that every form of new technology was simultaneously hailed as the answer to everything and the beginning of the end for humanity. All this new shit is just something else some poor schmuck is gonna have to fix.

  2. You're right. Fire, the wheel, almost any advance you can name. Don't worry, the Repugs'll fix all that for us and we can start over.
