Friday, September 16, 2011

Hatin' on us for our freedoms?

Not really:


People, it’s not our freedom they hate. Most of the world envies our freedom.

What the hate is our sense of entitlement to their resources, our indifference to their suffering and blinding need, our support of the sociopathic dictators who rob and subjugate them, as long as they allow our corporate rape of their children’s futures for our personal comfort and gain.

What they hate is our military presence in every far-flung corner of the world, assuring that we’ll always get our way at their expense.

What they hate is our self-righteous certitude that Our God is Good and their god is bullshit.

My Fellow Americans, they hate us because they think we live in a Democracy, and that We The People knowingly choose and approve of what our government and corporations do to them.


Those who don't learn from history ...

I'm off to the hangings, back later.

Great thanks to MBRU for the link.

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