Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to be ...

"The adult in the room." Really? A paper clip? Really?


If I were the President, I'd wait for the first Republican to open his mouth about this, then get before the cameras and have a talk about how petty the Republicans have become, that they've actually reverted to criticizing paper clips. Americans are unemployed and the GOP is worrying about paper clips. Then I'd crow about how the paper clip is a made in America product and how even though the GOP may mock it, Obama is proud to support an American success story as ordinary as the simple paper clip (and people will chuckle and think the President is the adult in the room).


  1. Of course had the jobs bill been presented in a leather bound volume Faux News would have run a story about waste in the Federal government and suggested that the White House use inexpensive binder clips instead.

    That was my first thought when I heard about this. Fuckers'd bitch if they was hung with a new rope.

  2. "Fuckers'd bitch if they was hung with a new rope."

    I like that idea.
