Thursday, September 22, 2011

I don't care ...

I've had it with hearing about these two idiots (and the other idiot they released earlier) who went hiking along the Iran-Iraq border and got themselves picked up by Iranian border guards. In my book, if you're gonna hike in a place between a war zone and a land that thinks of you as The Great Satan, you're either a spy or really, really stupid.

If you're a spy, well, those are the risks of the job and you know it quite well going in. Oh well, spies die.

Probably the second scenario is more believable (there was no prisoner swap; proven spies are usually bargained back for someone of theirs we have in custody) is that they are really stupid fucking kids. If you're that stupid, well ... maybe we don't really want you back. There's enough stupid here already. Unfortunately, it seems, two of them are engaged to be married (unfortunately not both guys) and they will breed more little idiots.

At any rate, I hope we've heard the last of these morons.


  1. I really tried to not have the same attitude. I failed.

    They are young enough to not have hiked all of the available trails in the U.S. not to mention Canada and then there is all of South America. Instead, they go to a war zone.

    Stupid is a generous description.

  2. I'll take Really Really Stupid for $200, Alex...

  3. I'm relieved to learn I am not alone in my indifference (verging on hostility toward them) to the "hikers" plight. I resent the wailing and gnashing of teeth their situation evoked.

    If one is so comfortably situated and so completey above the fray that hiking in a war torn country (where one's fellow countrymen are dying, not to mention the locals) is considered recreation... well, I don't really care what happens to them. Piss on'em.

    I think that if one wants to hike Iraq or Afghanistan, donning the Marine Corps uniform would be a good first step.

    Yeah, I know, another proof that I am a bloody minded old woman.

    Jay in N.C.

  4. BTW, whose money paid their "bail?"

    Jay in N.C.

  5. ... whose money paid their "bail?"

    I have no idea but gut feeling says some megachurch's donations.

  6. Hello Fixer,

    Having read the novella "The Marching Morons" by Cyril M. Kornbluth I feel like we are living proof that some people have precognition or just a vivid imagination. An alternative explanation is that he had a time traveling device. Maybe we should follow the plot and send them with all the other morons to Venus. It would be a jobs creation activity for sure.

  7. @ Fixer... You think private money? I'm betting taxpayer money. Maybe something will pop up on the intertubes that will provide a clue. ;)

    Jay in N.C.

  8. I'd be really chapped if I found out our tax money went to "bailing" these mental defectives out of the country.
