Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If David Frum ...

Is casting a queer eye at you, you know you got problems.

I don't have much love for David Frum, regardless of the epiphany he's had lately, but when he's starting to intimate the Republicans are criminals ... treasonous criminals, you know they've sunk to new lows:


Frum doesn’t come right out and say it explicitly, but reading this, it appears Frum believes Republican leaders are — or at least may be — trying to hurt the economy on purpose, as part of a political strategy to undermine President Obama during a crisis.

In other words, Frum seems to be suggesting that the top GOP officials in Congress, including the entire party leadership, may be involved in some kind of sabotage campaign. That’s no small charge.


I'm too cynical to hope for arrests anytime soon, but I'm hoping the Dems make big political hay out of it.


  1. Frum may be right, but probably just sees the GOP going down the shitter and is trying to stop it. Good luck. No brakes, Davey boy.

  2. Mr. Frum is late to the party as far as seeing/thinking the R's are actively working against national interests in order to gain political advantage for their party. :(

    Jay in N.C.
