Sunday, September 18, 2011

If you want ...

As Mayor Bloomberg said the other day:


"You have a lot of kids graduating college, [who] can't find jobs," said Bloomberg, during his weekly radio show on Friday. "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."


Just vote for Republicans. Via Jill, a pretty sober analysis of what America would look like as a Tea Bag nation:

In the Tea Party’s America, families must mortgage their home to pay for their mother’s end-of-life care. Higher education is a luxury reserved almost exclusively to the very rich. Rotten meat ships to supermarkets nationwide without a national agency to inspect it. Fathers compete with their adolescent children for sub-minimum wage jobs. And our national leaders are utterly powerless to do a thing.

At least, that’s what would happen if the Tea Party succeeds in its effort to reimagine the Constitution as an antigovernment manifesto. While the House of Representatives pushes Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan to phase out Medicare, numerous members of Congress, a least one Supreme Court justice, and the governor of America’s second-largest state now proudly declare that most of the progress of the last century violates the Constitution.


Take a few minutes and read it. Tell me what would happen in such a world. I don't see this country surviving it.

Chelsea vs. Manchester United this morning. If you don't see me here anymore, you know I've had a stroke*. Heh ...

*I am a HUGE Chelsea fan.


  1. My condolences for your loss Mr.F.

  2. Thanks. Excellent match but my boys couldn't hit the broad side of a barn today.
